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Paris Plages 2014, The appeal of the banks of the Seine

Paris Plages 2014, The appeal of the banks of the Seine

Categories : Hotel Eden News headlines, published on : 6/26/14

Paris Plages 2014 offer an amazing opportunity. Are you deciding whether you would prefer a beach holiday this year, or a visit to Paris, one of the most thrilling cities on Earth? Well, you can enjoy both at the same time, courtesy of Paris Plages! In fact, the banks of the Seine have provided pleasure for Parisians for generations, as a new exhibition clearly demonstrates.


The joys of the Seine and its historical allure

The Beaches of Paris, According to Daumier is an exhibition running until September 28th at the Maison de Balzac. The 19th century painter, sculptor and caricaturist Honoré Daumier honed his talents for lampooning the foibles of his fellow man during his time working on the satirical magazine, La Caricature. Through a selection of paintings and forty masterful engravings, the artist’s absurdist yet affectionate view of Parisians taking their pleasure by the Seine bursts into vibrant life.

Today the tradition so gently mocked by Daumier lives on, perhaps more popular than ever. Large stretches of the Louvre/Pont de Sully, Port de la Gare and the Bassin de la Villette are transformed, with the aid of many tons of sand, into beaches on which you are invited to relax for free. There are attractions, children’s play areas, sports, refreshments, water based activities and open air evening concerts to be enjoyed. So set up your deckchair and parasol, taste an ice cream and relax! If you get too hot you can always cool off with a dip in a swimming pool upon the Seine.

The recently redesigned and pedestrianised area of the Left Bank between the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower known as Les Berges offer a wealth of fun and activities. Games, exhibitions, craft workshops, live entertainment and plenty of places to relax are all a part of this vibrant new scene in the capital, easily accessible from the pleasant surroundings of the Hotel Eden.


Visit Paris in the summer, Stay in pleasurable splendour

Whether you wish Paris to be the magical backdrop for a romantic liaison, provide a nigh endless source of excitement and entertainment for a family holiday or the setting for business meetings, you need somewhere truly tranquil to stay. Let the verdant splendour of the Hotel Eden be your soothing haven in the midst of the city. Let us tempt you with the best deals available online for our hotel. Simply book on our official site and see what we can offer you. In the urban environment of Paris we offer a paradise garden of lusciously lovely décor and our superbly high level of service.


  • Paris Plages : July 19 – August 17, 2014
    Voie Georges Pompidou, Paris 4e et Bassin de la Villette, Paris 19e.
    Metro : Sully-Morland or Pont-Marie, line 7 - Porte de La Villette, line 7.
  • Beaches in Paris by Daumier: from the 20th June till 28th September
    Maison de Balzac, 47 Rue Raynouard, Paris 16e
    Tel. 0033 (0)1 55 74 41 80
    Metro Passy, line 6
    RER C Avenue du Président Kennedy


Picture copyright holder : Tourist office Paris - Photographer Marc Bertrand

The Hotel Eden Paris, a Hotel with garden, close to the Porte de Versailles

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