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Art and design shine at the Art Paris Art Fair and PAD

Art and design shine at the Art Paris Art Fair and PAD

Categories : Fairs & Trade Shows, published on : 3/4/15

The last week of March in Paris offers a glorious opportunity for art and design aficionados to treat themselves to a couple of top notch events. The city where art thrives plays host to the Art Paris Art Fair from March 26th to 29th in the gorgeous setting of the Grand Palais, whereas PAD (Paris Art and Design) will take place at the Tuileries - Esplanade des Feuillants from March 24th to 29th. It will all be happening just across the Seine from the Hotel Eden, and we highly recommend both events.

Art Paris Art Fair; an international event

The Art Paris Art Fair is a very wide ranging event, both thematically and geographically. Examining the modern and contemporary art scene from a multidisciplinary viewpoint that embraces design, photography, art book publishing and much more, the event offers exposure to over 2,200 artists from around 20 countries. Some 140 galleries will be exhibiting to well over 50,000 visitors, and about 30 solo shows are expected. These are impressive numbers but they fail to convey the sheer vibrancy and excitement of this much anticipated event. The international guests of honour this year will be Singapore and Southeast Asia, presenting that region’s very exciting and rising art scene.

Paris welcomes the art and design world at PAD

It is 18 years since the launch of PAD and in that time the event has gained a reputation for eclecticism, diversity and quality. This year, with an expected attendance of around 40,000 visitors, PAD will present the displays of some 75 galleries from France and the rest of the world. Modern art and the decorative arts in a wide range of disciplines and fields, along with their connected services, products and industries, will be showcased, and there will be plenty of opportunities for fresh young talents to be noticed.


Fair Art Paris Art Fair
26 au 29 mars 2015
Grand Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill, Paris 8ème
Subway : Champs-Elysées-Clémenceau, lignes 1,13 - Franklin-D.-Roosevelt, lines 1, 9 
RER C : Invalides
PAD Paris : March 24 - 29, 2015
Tuileries, Esplanade des Feuillants, Access 234 rue de Rivoli
Facing the rue de Castiglione, Paris 1er
Subway : Tuileries, line 1


Picture copyright holder : AFP Service - Art Paris Art Fair - Photographer Michel Setboun

Hotel Eden Paris, a Hotel with garden, close to the Porte de Versailles

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